Designing a cooling tower could be a risky business … if not done correctly!

Evaluation error of how much thermal load to dispose of Plant served by the tower is lacking efficiency

A decrease in production and/or possible damage to the plant
Lower cost Objective not achieved Ineffective or useless project

A cooling tower project, like every project, could result in vulnerabilities if not designed correctly. 
As we mentioned in our previous post, one of the causes of why cooling towers do not work properly is bad design. This issue is leading to the topic of risk management.

For this purpose, we will limit our discussion to the design of the tower and how to analyze issues that otherwise could result in risk and endanger the achievement of objectives such as performance, energy saving, …

It is important to identify potential risks.
Early detection of risk is important because it is easier, less costly, and less disruptive to make changes and correct work efforts during the earlier, rather than the later, phases of the project.

Hence, it’s important to define a risk management strategy that:

  • identifies and analyzes risks,
  • manages the identified risks,
  • implements a mitigation/contingency plan when needed.
(1) Weaknesses or flaws in the design process. The vulnerability can be seen as that part of a system, explicitly or implicitly, where security measures are either absent, reduced or compromised. This represents a weak point in the system, allowing an attacker to compromise the level of security of the entire system.
(2) Anything that can exploit a vulnerability to cause damages. Alerting?
(3) The potential for loss, damage or destruction as a result of a threat exploiting a vulnerability. Here we have uncertainty which can result in a positive or negative result, regardless of our will or capacity.

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