A cooling system is essential for the operation of any modern geothermal power plant

Cooling Tower System: Converting Geothermal Energy into Electricity Example of flash power plant producing electricity Heat emanates from the earth’s interior and crust generates magma (molten rock). Because magma is less dense than surrounding rock, it rises but generally does not reach Read More

The importance of water in the cooling tower industry – Water (part 7)

Process plants that can be cooled with evaporation systems. The importance of disposing quantity of energy. Efficiency of the cooling system. Image from previous post “NERI Calculator”. Click on the above image to learn more about the calculator.  From what has been written on this Read More

NERI Calculator

Calculator www.nericalc.com When it comes to evaporative water cooling towers, whether you’re are part of the design team or maintenance operations, NERI Calculator helps ensure that the functionality of the tower is optimal and efficient, hence, maintaining plant’s productivity at maximum level. Read More

The importance of water in the cooling tower industry – Water (part 6)

SYSTEMS THAT COOL WATER IN AN EVAPORATIVE WAY: WHERE THEY ARE USED A hint is given by knowing how refrigerators function in terms of “transfer of energy-heat”. Although this topic is very interesting, we will not linger on the quality of energy.   Read More

The importance of water in the cooling tower industry – Water (part 5)

Here is an example of systems of differentiation for water cooling at low temperature required for realizing specific production processes: cooling plastic material molds, air conditioning, etc.   In some plants, cooling towers are not recommended for cooling machines. This is because Read More